Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour (OCD)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a complex condition that has two main components:

Obsession – this is made up of uncontrollable and recurring thoughts, ideas, and emotions that drive behavior, despite knowing that the thoughts are unfounded.
Compulsion – this second component is the manifestation of the recurring thoughts where the thoughts become action.

While everyone has recurring or unfounded thoughts from time to time, with OCD, these thoughts and the resulting behaviors become disruptive, placing moderate to severe limitations on a person’s ability to navigate their lives. OCD affects both men and women equally and the average age of onset is 19, but a quarter of those who suffer from OCD have the full range of symptoms by the age of 14.


While there are many ways that people display symptoms of OCD, some of the more common ones include:

• Cleaning

• Repeating words, phrases, or behaviors

• Checking locked doors, ovens, irons, and so on

• Ordering and arranging belongings


Sometimes OCD brings on other disorders, such as hair pulling, skin picking, or hoarding.


After sitting down to conduct a comprehensive review and evaluation, your therapist devises a treatment plan that will target the thoughts that lead to compulsive behaviors. To do this, they use:

• Cognitive behavioral therapy

• Habit reversal training

• Exposure and response prevention


Every person is different so treatment plans may vary.